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Wednesday, January 29, 2020

Christopher Columbus Essay Example for Free

Christopher Columbus Essay Christopher Columbus wrote a letter to the king and queen of Spain around 1494. He gave the king a queen a description of what was going on and what he had found. He wrote this letter stating that there was riches and many land for colonies. He was telling them what they can do with this land that he had found. Take it, build a government, and he wanted more ships for his up coming voyages. The question is this document relevant to his voyages, yes, indeed they do. He wrote to the king and queen what they can do in this land that he had found. He was already planing there government, and how they were going to rule the land. He explained how they should have churches and start converting the indians. When the gold rush comes they should have the people who are getting the gold must have a license to retrieve some gold. He talks about governors and how there should be one on every island that he had discovered and how they were going to be in charge. He wanted to start these settlements and let them grow and then that would make Spain the greatest empire in the world because they would have the biggest land mass. He did do the mission for Spain but more for himself and it was his job to do this kind of adventuring. He wanted to make history and this document shows what he had discovered and his proposal to the king and queen of what he thought the colonies should be run and so on. This absolutely has to be apart of a the voyage with Christopher Columbus because it tells a little bit of what he saw, what he knows and what his plans were. He tells about all these riches and gold and how they can make the colonies work and survive and build communities. It gives an idea of what he thought and what he had believed should have happened, which for the most part did happen. He was a very bright man I assume by this letter to the king and queen and he explained his plans very well and the king and queen should have been pleased of Christopher for making all of that happen. With out this it would be like missing a piece of a puzzle. Questions with out full knowledge of what was going on. Christopher started his journey around 1492, I think, and it took him a couple years to discover this land mass and he was eventually a hero to Spain. Without Christopher discovery of the Americas people would have come and settled in the Americas later than they did and he wouldn’t be famous.

Tuesday, January 21, 2020

Feminism Essay -- Womens Right, Equality

The past century saw women in Britain gain control of their fertility, acquire access to education and establish their status as equal citizens. The British social order came a long way from 1890s when women in Britain were legally restricted to the point they could not enter a contract, own property or have parental rights; unmarried women were challenged by society and pressured in to marriage (British History Oxford, 2007).The women’s rights and suffrage movements in the period between 1832 and 1918, which is known as ‘The first feminist wave’, aimed to challenge the idea of women being the inferior sex and demanded equal rights. This ‘so called’ first wave ended with the ‘Royal Assent to the Representation of the People Parliament Act’ being passed in 1918, which granted women the ability to vote and recognised females as equal citizens (Fraisse, 1993). Following work will assay the position of women in today’s society and barr iers that prevent gender equality. The focus will be on the conflict between feminist ideals, assumptions and demands behind what known as feminism. Feminism has evolved dramatically over time, which makes finding a widely accepted set of feminist ideas an impossible task. However, Webster’s dictionary (2007, p230) defines feminism as a theory of the political, economic, and social equality of the sexes. Therefore, feminism is based around the idea of men and women being equal. On the other hand, feminist is also defined as ‘an organized activity on behalf of women's rights and interests’ (Webster 2007, p.230). This highly ambiguous definition suggests that any socially or politically active woman can be considered to be a feminist, so the ideas of feminists do not always coincide with the philosophy o... ...en’s favour. Therefore, it is extremely difficult to determine what gender receives the larger income over a lifetime. With this in mind, modern feminism appears to be aimed at total equality, where every adult receives same wage and employers are controlled by the government. The feminist philosophy, on the other hand, preaches equality purely in legal and political rights. A number of conservative feminists believe the battle for equal rights was won when in 1928 women were enfranchised (British History Oxford, 2007). It caused social transformation in Britain and liberated women. This philosophy is relevant in modern society because it can be beneficial in any country where women experience hard ship due lack of legal equality. Further legislation aimed at improving equality in the UK needs to consider possible side effects, and should promote equality for all.

Monday, January 13, 2020

Chapter Paper

Chapter III – Methodology A. Materials Materials| Quantity| Amount| Talbos ng Kamote (Ipomoea batatas) leaves| 5 – 10| -| Rubbing Alcohol| 1 bottle| P 15| Okra| 5| P 10| Lemon| 1| P 12| Recycled Bottle| 1| -| Bowl and spoon| 1| -| water| 1 glass| -| Container| 1| -| -| -| Total: P 37| B. Procedure Slice two Okras into 4 pieces. Put a glass of water and the okra into an empty container. Leave it for a day. After a day, squeeze the Okras and get its extract. Put it on the bowl. Get the seeds of the Okra using the spoon.After that, get the extract of the leaves by chopping the Talbos ng Kamote (Ipomoea batatas) leaves into smaller pieces and squeezing it. Mix it with the gel. Put a spoonful of Alcohol. And squeeze the lemon fruit for fragrance. Put all the mixed ingredients in to a bottle. Chapter V – Conclusion and Recommendations A. Conclusion The researchers established different facts that Antibacterial Herbal Hand Sanitizer can be an alternative for water and s oap in killing bacteria or germs in our hands.It is very effective in cleaning our hand. The researchers concluded that Talbos ng Kamote (Ipomoea batatas) can be used as the main ingredient in making an antibacterial herbal sanitizer, lemon fruit add fragrance in our output and with the help of rubbing alcohol. The researchers are very confident that the product became successful. B. Recommendations The researchers recommend you to make this hand sanitizer. This hand sanitizer is very useful to each one of us. This can help you to fight germs in your hands.The hand sanitizer is not hard to make. It is very handy and it can be an accessory to your bag. In analyzing the result that the researchers made, the researchers recommend you some instructions to come up with a better result. Lessen the rubbing alcohol and put more okra extract to make your sanitizer jelly. Make sure that the recycled bottles have been thoroughly cleaned in soapy water so that the other dirt are gone. This just looks better to have no mixture with old and new ones.

Sunday, January 5, 2020

How You Can Boost Sales With Marketing. Marketing Is The

How You Can Boost Sales with Marketing Marketing is the best way to help small businesses build success. With a great marketing strategy, you have the ability to grow your customer base, and continue to hold onto current customers. This being said, taking the time to learn how to effectively market your business is a small move that will produce large changes. Today’s business owners have marketing resources available for low cost and sometimes even for free! The capability of businesses then to market is easy with just 5 changes they can add to produce large scale growth for their companies. If you’re looking to get your small business from operating from your house to amassing hundreds or even thousands of customers, you need to†¦show more content†¦This goes for any type of business that you run; it’s you who is the expert. Take on the title and show your customers and potential customers that you know what you’re talking about. When you are able to help people because you’re an expert in that field, others will see that and will search for your advice. This is a great way to earn appreciation and loyalty and helps to build your customer base. If you’re still trying to find your niche ask yourself this: 1) What is the most common problem my followers post about? 2) How does my product/ service solve this? 3) Where are these individuals usually hanging out online? Find the answer to these questions and make it a part of your daily or weekly routine to post solutions to these queries, with your products and email-marketing magnet. The people who need your service will become your new leads. III. How friendly and welcoming is your website? If you already have a website built, it could be time for a change. There are several options you can look to for updating. 1) New theme: Selecting a new theme should be fun and not break the bank. Choose a simple theme that has a clear direction and is easy for people to navigate. 2) Install free plug ins: This can open up an entirely new world of marketing for you. From video plug ins to lead generating plug ins, there are so many to choose from. There’s bound to be at least one plug in most suitable for your type of business. 3) Create landingShow MoreRelatedFacebook Advertising Campaign1350 Words   |  6 PagesI recently wrote a blog post concentrating on a shift in the marketing industry from a traditional approach—involving flyers, postal mail, billboards, and radio ads—to an increasingly digital model driven by social media. In this post, I will focus on leveraging the most widely used social media platform by small businesses—Facebook. Facebook currently has 1.7 billion active users. 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